While the Eagles offense certainly didn't have the big plays and huge fireworks we've grown accustomed to over the last few weeks, the defense deserves the majority of the blame for the loss. That a mediocre quarterback like Joe Webb, who was making his first NFL start, was able to step up in the 4th quarter and win the game for his team tells you that the Eagles defense was just not ready to play. Simply put, when a big play needed to be made, the Eagles couldn't stop a quarterback that had no NFL experience.
After he repeatedly got hit in the first quarter, it was no surprise that Michael Vick didn't have enough left in the tank to lead the Eagles on another comeback win. The Eagles had better start figuring out better schemes to protect Vick or they are going to be in some serious trouble should he get knocked out of a playoff game.
With the 3rd seed locked up, look for the Eagles to rest their starters next week against the Cowboys. I would expect every player that even has the slightest injury to be benched and we'll see plenty of Kevin Kolb in the second half of the game. Since they weren't able to earn a bye in the playoffs, the Eagles might as well treat Week 17 like a bye for some of their banged up stars.
It's impossible to call the Eagles loss to the Vikings anything but a disappointment but I wouldn't read too much into this game. Hopefully the loss will be a wakeup call for the Birds; they can't just show up against supposedly inferior teams and blow them out. With their next meaningful game being in two weeks in the playoffs, the Eagles had better shape up or they are going to be facing a long offseason.
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