The NFL Lockout is (not really) over!

My goal of not talking about the NFL again until the lockout is over took at least one small step in the right direction today as U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson ordered an end to the lockout. Of course, it's just a temporary end to the lockout, as the owners are going to appeal the decision and things will basically be right back where they already were.

This is just the first step of the process and there isn't much for fans to get excited about. Now that a Judge has made a ruling, things will escalate from here and get increasingly more complicated. Not being a lawyer, I can't begin to explain what this decision means for the players, who apparently are planning to report to their teams to workout tomorrow since the lockout is technically over.

While we are still a long way from this being settled, let's hope it gets figured out sometime shortly after the draft because otherwise we won't have anything to talk about in regards to the NFL. Sure, we still have other sports to tide us over, but something won't feel right this fall if there is no Sunday football.

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